Welcome to Health
This page focuses on offers and resources aimed specifically at those working within health in Scotland. To find development offers available across social work, social care and health search ‘All Sectors’ in any of our What’s on Offer subpages.
Leading to Change is for everyone working in health here in Scotland. Leadership at all levels means that regardless of role, grade, specialty or board there is leadership development available for you. If your career stage is self leadership, team leadership, or leading organisations, we believe that your development is important and welcome you to explore what offers we have that are relevant to you.
Current Events
Resources & Self Directed Learning
Leading to Change has a range of resources for you to explore in your own time and in your own way.
There are a range of offers that you can use in a way that suits your career stage, your interests and your preferred way of learning. From bite-sized learning to watch or read through to toolkits and study, we hope you can find something that suit your needs and your work patterns too.
“Many staff feel it’s not for them as they feel they are too junior or not in roles that are managing staff. I tell them my story and share that it is indeed for them and it really is for anyone.”
Fay Richardson
Read Fay’s full story to find out what offers she put together for her development on our Stories that Inspire Change site
Personalised Leadership Development that builds Knowledge, Skills and Confidence
“All of this gave me the confidence to apply for a new post and secure a secondment to a project management role. This was great confidence booster as I hadn’t been interviewed in 10 years, though I had interviewed others. I then used this experience and confidence to interview for and be successful in attaining my current role. From my personal development I felt I was able and ready to take these steps. I am so glad I took the chance, and the post will let me use so much of my skill set and learning.”
Coaching & Mentoring
Coaching and mentoring can make a difference in your self, team or organisational leadership at any stage of your career and in any role.
Find out more about both of these offers using the button here or scroll below to see coaching offers available to those who work in health.
Coaching Matters
NHS Scotland National Boards’ collaborative offers resources, CPD events and coaching support for all National Boards.
Coaching for Wellbeing
This is a free coaching offer open to all in social care, social work and health in Scotland; confidential coaching focusing on your health and wellbeing for work and home.
NHS Scotland Executive Coaching Register
This is a costed executive coaching service under a Framework Agreement for senior leaders within NHS.