We all need a bit of help sometimes – if you can’t find what you are looking for in our Frequently Asked Questions then drop us a line using the contact form below.
Our friendly team will get back to you as soon as we can and if we can’t answer it, we will find someone who can.
How can we help you?

Who is Leading for Change aimed at? Do you have to be of a minimum level / banding / sector to get involved?
We believe in leadership at all levels, in all roles and geographies across social work, social care and health. Leading to Change wants to hear from all staff with an interest in developing their leadership capability and they can access the Leading to Change App, complete the SAQ and receive their own feedback report. They will also be signposted to existing leadership development networks and resources across our system and everyone is welcome to connect with Leading to Change and the networks and communities.
How does Leading to Change fit with leadership development and talent management activities in Boards and organisations? Will it replace what happens there?
There are many excellent leadership development offerings already in existence across our system and the Project Lift app has been used by individuals and some HR, Learning and OD teams within social work, social care, health, third sector and voluntary organisations. This will continue and although the app has been rebranded, this is a new front end and everything else remains the same. Leading to Change will continue to engage with the HR and OD teams across organisations, bodies and boards across the wider system to connect, understand and collaborate where appropriate to avoid duplication and we will work alongside and complement these offerings and we are working with Boards and the wider Social Care system to make these connections.
How will Leading to Change help me to do my job?
Regardless of your role and where you are in social work, social care, health and the wider system, Leading to Change can help you bring your best contribution. From the tailored feedback in your SAQ report, through signposting to a range of national, local and services-wide development resources, to connecting you to communities of leaders across health, social work and social care sectors. Leading to Change will help you make the most of where you are now in both your leadership development and career journeys. The Leading to Change communities will provide invaluable peer networking spaces where learning, ideas, leadership challenges and vulnerabilities can be safely shared and explored.
I don’t have a TURAS account – does that mean I can’t take part?
Leading to Change is open to everyone engaged in the social work, social care and health system in Scotland. On the website our ‘What’s on Offer’ pages show you what you can access that is relevant to your leadership level and sector – and we have lots that are open to all. The website requires no sign in or registration. Some offers are hosted on other platforms or websites and most of these are open access. The Leading to Change App is hosted on TURAS and immediately accessible to anyone with a TURAS account but if you don’t yet have one you can create a TURAS account in a few steps and for free. You can click on the ‘My Account’ link on the top right hand menu on every page in the website and you are given two options: Log into TURAS and Create TURAS account. This will give you access to choose your data preferences, set up your profile and complete the SAQ for your free personalised Leadership Profile report.
There’s a lot of ‘leadership speak’ or jargon I don’t understand – how can I find out what some of this means?
We appreciate that there are lots of terms that people may not be used to or have heard a lot but are not sure what they mean such as leadership models or some policy terms in reports or papers. In different places the same term may mean something slightly different as people use a working understanding of a phrase such as compassionate leadership. You can visit the Our Shared Language page to find out more and we also have a glossary in our resources if you want to look up a specific word, acronym or phase.
How will we know that Leading to Change is a success? What approach are we taking to evaluation and impact assessment?
Each element of Leading to Change is evaluated over an ongoing period in ways aligned with our impact plan and reported on regularly.
Our App
What is happening to the Project Lift App? Will I lose my data?
The Project Lift app is migrating into the Leading for Change app. This is a rebrand which means the colours, logos and some of the language will change but everything else stays the same. We are taking the opportunity to tidy up the dashboard to make it easier to use but these are the only changes. It’s a bit like changing the mask but the face and characteristics underneath stay the same. It will still be hosted on the TURAS platform where it has been based for the past 4 years.
Do I need a TURAS account to access the Leading to Change app?
Yes. The Leading to Change app is held on the TURAS platform and you need a TURAS login to access it. If you have a TURAS account for any application ie Learn, Performance Appraisal, 360, Training then you can access the Leading to Change app. Click the ‘My Account’ at the top right of every page and this will take you to a TURAS logon page. Once you have used your TURAS sign on details, it will automatically open the app for you. If you do not have a TURAS account you can create one in a few simple steps for free.
Having trouble with the app? Using Internet Explorer 11?
Yes. The Leading to Change app is held on the TURAS platform and you need a TURAS login to access it. If you have a TURAS account for any application ie Learn, Performance Appraisal, 360, Training then you can access the Leading to Change app. Click the ‘My Account’ at the top right of every page and this will take you to a TURAS logon page. Once you have used your TURAS sign on details, it will automatically open the app for you. If you do not have a TURAS account you can create one in a few simple steps for free.
How do I access and complete the SAQ?
You can access and complete the SAQ through the Leading to Change website. Click on ‘My Account’ (available in the top right menu of every page) and you will be asked to log in. Using your TURAS login and password, you will then be asked to complete a personal before being directed the SAQ. If you don’t have a TURAS login you can follow the instructions in ‘Create an account’ to set one up which is free. Once completed you will receive a tailored feedback report, to help you consider your next steps in your development journey.
Can I part complete and return later to my SAQ?
Yes. Your information is saved on the app as soon as you input it, so you won’t lose anything if you log out and return to the app later. Please note there is no “Exit” button but your data is saved up to the point you exit the app.
Talent Management
What is the SAQ?
SAQ is our Self Assessment Questionnaire and it’s the first step in the Talent Management Process. Designed to help you identify and explore your leadership potential, it highlights strengths and areas for development against the Leadership Profile. It takes about 30 minutes to complete. Once completed you can download a personal feedback report which invites you to reflect on your strengths and areas for development for each of the 8 areas on the leadership profile.
Are there different versions of the SAQ depending on your professional background or grade?
No. The SAQ has been specifically designed to explore generic leadership capabilities and potential, regardless of professional background or grade.
Will participating in the Talent Management process have an effect on the jobs that I can apply for/ am considered for?
No. The aim of the talent management process is to support you to continually develop your knowledge, skills, values and insights as a leader. Continually investing in your leadership learning will aid your growth and development, enable you to give of your best in your leadership role and help you maximise your potential. This may inform the career choices and opportunities you decide to take, but selection processes remain separate. We see leadership evident at all levels across social work, social care, and health and the Leading to Change app is open to everyone.
What and how much of my data will be shared from the Talent Management process?
Details of this can be found in our Privacy Policy which you are asked to review before you input any of your data after you have logged in. For Leading to Change this is the same Privacy Policy that covered the Leading to Change app and this will include: Employee data, contact details, career history and career aspirations data, Equality and Diversity Data and Self Assessment Questionnaire results. Please review our Privacy Policy for full details.
How long will my leadership profile be ‘current’ for and how often can I repeat the process?
To give you the opportunity to work on identified areas for development and further enhance and hone areas of strength, it’s recommended that in most circumstances, you leave a gap of around 12 months before completing the SAQ again.
Leadership Development
What’s new or different about the Leading to Change approach to Leadership Development?
Leading to Change believes that good leadership, role modelling values of kindness, compassion and collaborative working can help to improve the culture and wellbeing of staff and lead to better care.
Our Leading to Change leadership development approach focuses on developing a fresh ethos, focused on collaboration, compassion, humility, curiosity and public service. Finding the most appropriate development opportunities for the individual is key. This is informed by the talent management process and the completion of the Self Assessment Questionnaire with identification of areas of strength and areas for development. We are sharing offers including development programmes, coaching and mentoring, events and resources so that leaders at all levels can find development that is appropriate to the individuals’ needs. The Leading to Change communities serve as a new approach to connect people across the social work, social care, health, in the public, private and independent sectors to share leadership experiences, ideas, difficulties, support and opportunities. This has provided a growing bank of community assets over the past two digital series and will continue as a key part of the Leading to Change offer.
How do I access leadership development sponsored by Leading to Change?
Finding the most appropriate development opportunities for the individual, wherever they are based, is key. This is informed by the talent management process and the completion of the Self Assessment Questionnaire with identification of areas of strength and areas for development. Leading to Change continues to develop and offer a range of different leadership development opportunities that are based on both need and agency, i.e. the individual’s development needs and motivation to develop themselves as a leader. There are a number of information points about these offers such as our What’s on Offer pages and through our mailing list which you can sign up to on our contact page.
At different times we will be focusing on prioritising different career stages which may lead to some being invited for a form of career conversation, an offer we are developing and expanding as time progresses. We also have a range of leadership development opportunities available at different times through offers such as Digital Coaching, Community events, places on partner programmes and shared career opportunities. The best way to ensure you have early news to all that could be relevant to you is to keep your Profile in the Leading to Change App up to date and look out for hello@leadingtochange.scot in your inbox.
Leading to Change Community. What is this? How can I get involved?
Central to the ambitions of Leading to Change are the opportunities to enable vibrant and liberating spaces for leaders to connect, from across the system to inspire, exchange and learn together either face to face or via digital events. We have been embracing and creating opportunities for everyone and anyone to:
- feel welcomed regardless of grade or profession to be part of a community or movement of leaders ambitious in making a leadership contribution in the health and social care settings of Scotland
- connect with others to share perspectives and stories
- voice experiences and interest in leadership, culture and wellbeing
- build individual and collective agency
- make a collective contribution to the leadership of health and social care across Scotland
- as well as the point above, Kaleidoscope has partnered us throughout this journey to a) increase the reach of the community and b) enable collaboration between disciplines, professions and sectors.
To be successful and meaningful for members, we are taking a co-production approach to development, providing community members the opportunity to model real collaborative learning in action. Everyone is invited to join in and if you register with the Leading to Change App or sign up to the distribution list you will be kept informed of opportunities as they arise. Do take a look at our communities page for more information about past and future events.
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