Two black women sitting on a sofa in a work setting chatting to each other.

Leadership Links Webinar: The Journey to Better Times

Date and time
Tuesday, 21 May 2024, 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm (GMT)
Virtual event.
About this event
Duration: 1 hour.

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Join former Health and Social Care ALLIANCE Chair, Audrey Birt, as she discusses the themes in her recently launched book ‘The Journey to Better Times’. Audrey’s purpose is telling her own story with the aim of providing insights and skills to improve the experience and life transition of other individuals going through illness and trauma. She shares some of her own journey, hoping to help others gain fresh insights and strengthen their innate capacity.

The book aims to support people with various health conditions, offering hope and guidance towards sustained well-being. It emphasizes the importance of acknowledging personal transformation and the significant adjustments during major transitions.

Audrey will cover the thinking behind the ten elements in her book and offer an opportunity to open up a discussion on how they might relate to you and those that you serve. 

The ten elements in ‘The Journey to better Times’ are:

  1. Know who you are
  2. Understanding your values
  3. What are your strengths?
  4. Find out who and what lifts you up and brings you joy
  5. Working with your health and social care team as a partner in care
  6. Learning and support from people with lived experience
  7. Learn how to process what has happened
  8. Understanding grief and loss
  9. Nature, nurture and food matters
  10. Compassion is core 

Audrey started a blog whilst negotiating both her role as director of a Breast Cancer charity and living with breast cancer. It was this experience, along with her experience of the pandemic and her deepening health issues, that led her to write her book.  You can read Audrey’s blog here:

Audrey Birt

Audrey Birt

Author and former Health and Social Care ALLIANCE Chair

Audrey has worked in healthcare for more than thirty years and from a variety of roles. These have developed from practice nurse to being the director of a breast cancer charity for over ten years. She was cofounder of The Health and Social Care Alliance and was also a member of the Mobility and Access Committee who advise the Scottish Government on accessible transport and journeys in Scotland. In February 2023 she left this committee where her ill health made it too difficult to continue and wanted to focus her energy on completing her book.

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