NHS Scotland GP Coaching Service

20/11/2023 - NHS Scotland GP Coaching Service

What is it?

The GP Coaching service offers a safe and confidential space to support those who may feel at a crossroads in their GP career or are experiencing difficulties with some of the challenges of GP practice. 

The feedback shows that GPs felt that coaching had helped them to decide their way forward as a GP, and to deal with the issues important to them. GPs have rated coaching as particularly successful in supporting them to: 

  • Having time to think about new ways of doing the job 
  • Obtaining better work-life balance 
  • Reducing the impact of work on my health 
  • Feeling more in control of the work I do 
  • Feeling more resilient and able to cope 
  • Knowing what my strengths are and how to make the most of them 

Who is it for?

This service is for qualified GPs who practice in Scotland.

By whom?

The coaches are all professionally qualified and experienced in coaching individuals from varied professions within the health service.

What is on offer?

The service, funded on annual basis by the Scottish Government, offers up to 7 hours online coaching support to around 70 GPs each year.  The successful applicants agree with their coaches how to utilise this allocation within the financial year.  

How to apply?

The 2023-24 application window is now closed and we do not maintain a waiting list. 

We normally open for new applications each Summer/Autumn. The updates on future offerings and details on how and when to apply, are published via this website, through NES social media, and email using professional networks.  

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