What’s in the app
What is in the Leading to Change App – from profile to privacy.
Here we offer some further information and help in navigating and using the Leading to Change App.

Your profile
Your profile is the first section you come to after the Privacy Agreement and it contains all the information that makes you unique: your personal details, your career history and your career aspirations.
The more you put into your profile, the more we are able to understand what you are looking for and what could support you on your journey.
We will contact you when there are opportunities to apply for roles or development that relates to your career experience, stage or aspirations so it is key to keep your profile up to date.
Your profile is only visible to you and the Leading to Change app admin team.

Your Dashboard
When you log in to the Leading to Change app, you are automatically taken to Your Dashboard. This is where we store any reports, documents or recommendations completed by you or for you by Leading to Change.
This includes your SAQ reports and any Leading to Change 360 reports, documents and development recommendations for any Leading to Change career conversations you may have had or have booked in. You can quickly and easily see what you have completed and can view or download your report within minutes. Like your profile, only you and our Leading to Change app admin team have access to your dashboard and we do recommend you share your downloaded SAQ report with your coach, buddy or line manager.
Your Career Conversation
At different times we will be working with groups at different career stages and we may invite them to career conversations as a development opportunity.
At the moment we are working with Aspiring Directors however the opportunity for these are expanding as we grow and we are developing different versions for different groups, as well as supporting other parts of the system to offer these in a relevant way.
Any Leading to Change career conversation will show in your dashboard.

Your Privacy
Your privacy is important to us. Leading to Change is based on individual agency which means you have the choice to get involved – or not to. As such, we know that completing the profile and the SAQ can feel like a big step and one that contains a lot of very personal information. We have a clear Privacy Policy that sets out how we store and use your data which you can visit through the button below. If you have any questions please contact us directly.