Communities Report

Welcome to our page where you will find links and resources in relation to our previous and current Community Events – with a spotlight on our most recent completed series October ’22 – February ’23.

The Leading to Change community is one of people passionate about improving care and leadership at all levels in all roles across Scotland.

Building on the successful Community Digital Events series (2020 – 2022) we continued the ambition to help everyone in social work, social care and health explore and live their potential as leaders regardless of level and role through real connections with real people. 

We have published our most recent report and ‘Creating Safe Spaces Online, our latest co-created guide from the 2022-2023 Community Events Series’.

Our report is available on the link below and we have developed a range of connected resources including 3 short animations and our first community blog.

Watch this short video to discover the main points from our 2022-2023 Community Event Series report – all the key info in under three minutes.

This is a new approach and we would love to hear what you think – contact us with your feedback.

New Communities Leadership Resource

In collaboration with Kaleidoscope, we have developed a new community asset ‘Creating Safe Spaces Online: 6 Practises to Build Psychological Safety’.

This builds on the community created assets from our previous series which are also available on this page.

Community Events Blog

Sara Dewar, Principal Lead at Leading to Change and our Communities Lead, has reflected on the success of the Community Events series and challenges us to create safe spaces locally in her blog ‘Competency is not enough – Creating Safe Spaces to build confidence in leaders at all levels’.

DIY Guide

Our newly developed DIY guide offers support and guidance on how to run your own community event. If you would like some help to get started you can contact us

people meeting around a table taking notes in a sunny room

Find out more…

More Community Assets

We have developed a range of community assets to explore a variety of issues relating to leadership. To view these in full, click on the buttons below.

Past Reports and Resources

For a full scope on how our Community Events have linked to other leadership events and activities within our programme, access our 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 Community Event Series’ reports and resources below.

Wellbeing Hub logo
Visit the National Wellbeing Hub for resources on how to stay well