SSSC’s 23 Things Leadership

12/09/2022 - SSSC’s 23 Things Leadership
This resource was created by the Scottish Social Services Council. It is shared here as published on SSSC’s website.

23 Things Leadership programme is open to any social service worker (in statutory, voluntary and private sectors) in Scotland. It is designed to: offer an introduction to varied aspects of leadership, help you recognise your own leadership capabilities, encourage development of good leadership in the sector so that achievement of positive outcomes for people using services and their carers is central to care practice and service delivery.

Good leadership is vital for effective social service and healthcare practice. It is a crucial factor in high-quality services and achieving positive outcomes.

This online resource is designed to help you engage in your own leadership development through bite-size pieces of learning and to customise your learning experiences according to your interests and needs.
Each of the 23 Things puts you at the centre. They help you to interpret your leadership and learning in the context of your own role, experience and work environment.

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