Leadership Links Webinar: A Good Neighbour, Good Consumer and Good Employer – NHS Lothian as an Anchor Institution

Date and time
Thursday, 29 June 2023, 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm (GMT)
Virtual event.

This event is in the past. Access the recording here.

NHS Lothian has committed to expanding its role as an Anchor Institution and is working through what that could look like and achieve over the next 5 years. This webinar will consider:

  • What is anchor institution? What are its purpose and benefits?
  • What does a whole system approach looks like including input from health, social care, social work and 3rd/voluntary sectors
  • What parts could leaders at all level plays in supporting their organisation in anchor institution?

Speaker: Dona Miles, Director of Public Health, NHS Lothian

Prior to joining Lothian as Director of Public Health and Health Policy, Dona was Director of Public Health in Fife, following a six year period as Deputy Director in Lothian. As Director of Public Health she has responsibility for local public health teams that focus on reducing inequalities through a focus on the determinants of health. She has worked in children and young people’s health and education within local authorities, the voluntary sector, Scottish Government and the NHS. Dona is a Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health and Honorary Fellow of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health. Her career has taken her to YWCA Scotland as Depute Director (Scotland) and for 7 years she led the ‘Healthy Respect’ National Demonstration Project. In 2008, Dona was seconded to Scottish Government and led the H1N1 vaccination campaign following a period in sexual health and HIV policy. She has worked as a Consultant in Public Health since 2010.
Her main interests are reducing inequalities, particularly through work on social determinants, reducing poverty and increasing life chances. She is independent chair of the Scottish Youth Work Research Group. In a voluntary capacity, she is a Trustee with Inspiring Scotland and the Edinburgh Family Planning Trust.

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