Resilience resources for social work and social care workers

13/10/2022 - Resilience resources for social work and social care workers

These resources were collected by Iriss, Social Work Scotland and the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC). They are shared here as published in a report written by Rikke Iversholt and Paul Hart.

Duration: 05:33 mins.


Put simply, resilience relates to an individual’s capacity to manage and come back from demanding and high-pressure situations. The good news is there is a growing body of evidence and research that shows there are steps individuals, and the organisations where they work, can take to develop resilience. Resilience is not a trait that people either have or don’t have. It involves behaviours, thoughts and actions anyone can learn and develop (Fox, et al, 2014). Workers and organisations can take positive steps to develop resilience and this resource signposts them to information and tools that help the process of developing resilience.’ Read more…

This video is a recommended resource relating to the Leading to Change Community Event: Resilience in pressured and challenging times.

Read more and watch the video or find out more about the Community event.

In this video, former Social Work Scotland President Susan Taylor talks about the importance of resilience and introduced the resilience resources for Social Work.

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