Leadership Bites Takeaway Session 4 – Circles of Influence, Concern and Control

23/09/2024 - Leadership Bites Takeaway Session 4 – Circles of Influence, Concern and Control

Our Leadership Bites Takeaway is a 1 page brief that includes a recording of the topic or model covered, the slides from the session, some questions for reflection and to prompt you to consider what’s next, along with a couple of bitesize resources to watch, listen to or read to further your learning.

The focus for our fourth Leadership Bites was Empowerment, using the Circles of Influence, Concern and Control model

“Be a light, not a judge, be a model not a critic. Little by little, your circle of influence will explode…” – Stephen Covey 

As human beings, we can choose where to focus our energy, attention, and resources, we can choose to be reactive or proactive.  

Have you thought about how you proactively manage and shrink your concerns, identify and grow your circle of influence and get clear on what you can and can’t control? These circles can be used to identify what’s important to you both personally and professionally, leading to an increased sense of empowerment and confidence. You can use the model with your team to help make sense of a challenge and consider the impact of decisions when aiming to achieve a particular goal or outcome.  

This event is suitable for both those who do and who do not manage teams. 

Use our Takeaway as a reflective follow up to the session or with your team to offer some focused development and conversation. Click the link below for the pdf or watch the short video below.

Content Session Recording:

This pack allocates 45 minutes of learning time based on watching the recording, using the reflective questions and accessing one of the other suggested resources.

Record your learning
Resource Pack and Video
45 mins
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Click this button to record your learning in the Leading to Change app. If you have a profile in the Leading to Change app you now have the ability to record any learning showing this button. If you do not have a profile you can register with a TURAS account or create one for free.

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