Awesome Postcards

The why

It sounds so simple, and yet sharing with someone that you think they are awesome can really make their day.

In these current changing and challenging times, we know it’s hard for many to manage changing roles at work and at home.  Struggling to be their best, determined to keep on keeping on,  we know how much a little bit of kindness, effort or commitment can  brighten a day.

The offer

Now more than ever, it is important to appreciate one another and our efforts to be enough and do our best. One super-simple way to share your admiration or your thanks is to write someone a note – and what better note to share than a ‘You’re Awesome’ card.

We have created a set of 12 cards that can be sent to colleagues, teams or anyone you want to recognise, instantly via our website. All designs carry a simple message on a ‘You are Awesome’ theme with a range of images and messages to choose from. In a few short minutes you can send a personal message from the site to their inbox and provide a simple moment of recognition that you think will resonate with them. 

The postcards are also available in printed format in packs of 12. Each postcard has room for your message and delivery details on the reverse and they all feature the Leading to Change web and social media details as well as the link to the National Wellbeing Hub – in partnership with the Wellbeing Champions’ Network.

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Visit the National Wellbeing Hub for resources on how to stay well
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