“A leader sees greatness in other people. He nor she can’t be much of a leader if all she sees is herself.”
― Maya Angelou
Join us for our sixth event of this series where we explore inspirational leadership in practice. This is part of the leadership theme of ‘Motivating and Inspiring‘ which is our focus for October.
We experience inspiring and motivated individuals at all levels of our services. They set the tone by encouraging and appreciating others, working with energy and enthusiasm, and by contributing to a vision and a work culture that people want to be part of. By doing so, they often motivate and inspire others to develop and bring their best contribution.
We will consider the following questions
Who has motivated and inspired you to take your career in a direction you wanted to take?
‘You can be what YOU can see’ – what does this statement mean to you?
We welcome into the conversation:
With a focus on storytelling and reflections, our contributors will share their experiences and collectively, we’ll explore what this means for us, in our own workplaces and in our day-to-day roles using breakout groups.
Ijeoma Azodo MD ChM (Gen Surg) MPH
Associate Director, NES Technology Service
Ijeoma brings a person-centred, living systems approach to designing digital health and care services, platforms, and innovation in her role at NES. The foundational approach to her work brings together training and expertise in reflective practice, experiential learning, and leading in complexity from surgical practice and health services research.
Applying the pillars of ‘meet people where they are’, address those further first from good outcomes, and making critical connections, Ijeoma works at the intersection of people and technology to facilitate working across people, process, and technology. Bringing an embodied and incisive coaching approach to her role, Ijeoma is interested in creating space and opportunity for people and partners to work to their best creative and capable selves.
Elaine Lawther
Principal Lead, NES Widening Access
Elaine joined the NHS as a graduate trainee and spent the first half of her career in financial management. The second half has been spent in learning and leadership spaces, working on a diverse range of projects and programmes. She is fascinated by the interconnectedness of corporate focused NHS and care focused NHS, and how micro-leadership shows up in the workplace. In her current role, she focuses on widening access to career opportunities in health and care, working with partners to support outreach activities across Scotland.
This event is open to all, and we would welcome those from social work, social care, health, third, voluntary sectors to come, hear and share your thoughts and consider practical ways to enable motivation and inspiration in the spaces you work.